I know you all have one--A shed of embarrassment and too much crap!
Well, hidden in the back under a bunch of who knows what we came across the coolest and craziest lamp I had ever seen!
There was a naked woman in the middle of this lamp which seemed to be surrounded by zig-zaggin fishing line-- while standing in a garden of green.
Lauren and I decided to bring it into the house to better access this new treasure. I hung it on a hook secured to the ceiling and there it hung over night.
This morning while having a Cowboy Cookie --yummy-- and diet coke, I looked at this woman and decided that I would display her nakedness in the entry for all who enter to see. - I couldn't wait to see their faces -
Well the first to arrive through the the door was my 13 yr. old son. He walked in, looked at the lamp and the woman and walked into the kitchen. Soon he was peeking at her from afar and I am sure thinking "cool" mom has a naked girl in the house.
I sat and thought about all the ramification that would come from this proudly displayed statue of a woman--I had visions of all the neighborhood boys suddenly appearing at my house--always coming to the front--and hanging out in the living room.
Teenage boys and statues of women, naked or not, do not belong together and especially in the same room!!
So, I briskly took the lamp with the naked woman back out to the shed of embarrassment and realized why I had called it the shed of embarrassment-- and set the lamp back where I had found it!! In the back surrounded by crap with a black plastic cover secured over and around it.
So, there she still sits, waiting and perhaps hoping to one day reappear and be gladly displayed in the entry of my home. So long naked woman in caged in fishing line, standing in a garden of green.
I see your lamp with the naked lady in my imagination; thanks for the way you have of describing. I would ask to borrow it if I had a place for it. I also, would enjoy the expressions of visitors (family or friends). Just the thought makes me smile.